Pixel-Pair Occlusion Relationship Map (P2ORM): Formulation, Inference & Application

Xuchong Qiu, Yang Xiao, Chaohui Wang, Renaud Marlet ;


Inference & Application","We formalize concepts around geometric occlusion in 2D images (i.e., ignoring semantics), and propose a novel unified formulation of both occlusion boundaries and occlusion orientations via a pixel-pair occlusion relation. The former provides a way to generate large-scale accurate occlusion datasets while, based on the latter, we propose a novel method for task-independent pixel-level occlusion relationship estimation from single images. Experiments on a variety of datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing ones on this task. To further illustrate the value of our formulation, we also propose a new depth map refinement method that consistently improve the performance of state-of-the-art monocular depth estimation methods."

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