Rejection Sampling IMLE: Designing Priors for Better Few-Shot Image Synthesis

Chirag Vashist*, Shichong Peng, Ke Li ;


"An emerging area of research aims to learn deep generative models with limited training data. Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation (IMLE), a recent technique, successfully addresses the mode collapse issue of GANs and has been adapted to the few-shot setting, achieving state-of-the-art performance. However, current IMLE-based approaches encounter challenges due to inadequate correspondence between the latent codes selected for training and those drawn during inference. This results in suboptimal test-time performance. We theoretically show a way to address this issue and propose RS-IMLE, a novel approach that changes the prior distribution used for training. This leads to substantially higher quality image generation compared to existing GAN and IMLE-based methods, as validated by comprehensive experiments conducted on nine few-shot image datasets."

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