SAGA: Stochastic Whole-Body Grasping with Contact

Yan Wu, Jiahao Wang, Yan Zhang, Siwei Zhang, Otmar Hilliges, Fisher Yu, Siyu Tang ;


"The synthesis of human grasping has numerous applications including AR/VR, video games and robotics. While methods have been proposed to generate realistic hand-object interaction for object grasping and manipulation, these typically only consider interacting hand alone. Our goal is to synthesize whole-body grasping motions. Starting from an arbitrary initial pose, we aim to generate diverse and natural whole-body human motions to approach and grasp a target object in 3D space. This task is challenging as it requires modeling both whole-body dynamics and dexterous finger movements. To this end, we propose SAGA (StochAstic whole-body Grasping with contAct), a framework which consists of two key components: (a) Static whole-body grasping pose generation. Specifically, we propose a multi-task generative model, to jointly learn static whole-body grasping poses and human-object contacts. (b) Grasping motion infilling. Given an initial pose and the generated whole-body grasping pose as the start and end of the motion respectively, we design a novel contact-aware generative motion infilling module to generate a diverse set of grasp-oriented motions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which is a novel generative framework to synthesize realistic and expressive whole-body motions that approach and grasp randomly placed unseen objects. Code and models are available at"

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